Not sure how I have gotten here so fast but I am past the halfway point in life!  I am typically not a risk-taker but this year is much different.  I’m stepping out, risking more and my eyes are more open than ever to where God is at work around me.  Here are a few things I am being challenged to explore.

It’s never too late to…

  1. Make a new friend.  You may feel like your life is full but God may be bringing someone into your life that will bless you immeasurably.  Open your heart to new people!
  2. Say you’re sorry. If you are feeling guilty over a wrong you committed, either knowingly or by accident, take steps to reconcile.  I have been blessed by friends who have reached out and reconciled over a misunderstanding.  And when I have been faithful to ask for forgiveness, a huge weight has been lifted off of me, and often, a friendship is restored.
  3. Start a new hobby. Take up tennis, photography, gardening, painting, cross-stitching…whatever!  Go for it.  You may like it!  Jessie and I are taking a stab at propagating succulents!  IMG_5589
  4. Pour into a younger woman. You may not feel like you have much to offer but you have life experiences that might help someone younger than you.  God has brought me several new young women to invest in.  And I have a beautiful friend who is 82 years old and she prays over me, loves me and speaks truth to me.  She is such a godly example and has taken time to love and champion me.  Who has God brought in your path to encourage?  Start doing it! proverbs 11:14
  5. Love people more. Not just half-hearted, fake and empty love but the kind that takes risk, effort and sacrifice.  Don’t allow past hurts to keep you from being the love of Christ to others.
  6. Pursue a deeper walk with Christ that is real and personal. Have you been an “observer” or are you engaging in a deep walk with Christ? If you need help getting started, ask your small group leader or a Pastor for guidance.
  7. Become open-minded.  I am allowing God to open my mind and heart as I study His word and asking for a fresh revelation.
  8. Be yourself.  It takes so much courage to be vulnerable but in the end, it makes you feel whole-hearted when you can let your walls down with your trusted friends. 

    Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see – how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him.  Psalm 34:8

One thought on “It’s Never Too Late

  1. Thank you for this Friend!!!
    I need this, you know me well,
    And it seems as if you wrote this for me. Already doing some of these but need to work harder on some.
    Much Love Friend

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