Thoughts on Valentine’s Day

Overwhelmed by His love, a young friend emailed me her thoughts….

This journey to know God has been emotional for me since day one. I can’t tell you how many times I have fought back tears during a Sunday morning service. I have had to set down my study book a dozen times to cry and we just got started! I just cannot believe how amazing God is. I am only 27 but I cannot believe I have missed out on him this whole time. I crave to really know Him. The little that I do know about him gives be a tremendous sense of peace and I cannot wait to see what is to come and I get to know him better.

Knowing Him is true love.  He sees every part of you and loves you intimately!  He meets you in the dark and lonely places.  He rejoices with you in the good times.  He desires that you know Him more!

 1You have looked deep into my heart, LORD, and you know all about me.

2You know when I am resting or when I am working,

and from heaven you discover my thoughts.

3You notice everything I do and everywhere I go.

4Before I even speak a word, you know what I will say,

5and with your powerful arm you protect me from every side.

6I can’t understand all of this!  Such wonderful knowledge is far above me.

7Where could I go to escape from your Spirit or from your sight?

8If I were to climb up to the highest heavens,  you would be there.

If I were to dig down to the world of the dead you would also be there.

9Suppose I had wings like the dawning day and flew across the ocean.

10Even then your powerful arm would guide and protect me.

11Or suppose I said, “I’ll hide in the dark until night comes to cover me over.”

12But you see in the dark because daylight and dark are all the same to you.

13You are the one who put me together inside my mother’s body,

14and I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me.

Everything you do is marvelous!

Of this I have no doubt.

15Nothing about me is hidden from you!

I was secretly woven together deep in the earth below,

16but with your own eyes you saw my body being formed.

Even before I was born,  you had written in your book everything I would do.

17Your thoughts are far beyond my understanding,

much more than I could ever imagine.

18I try to count your thoughts,

but they outnumber the grains of sand on the beach.

And when I awake, I will find you nearby.

Praying we all experience His love today and every day.

What Kindness does….

Yesterday, someone at church gave me a wonderful gift.

Not looking for anything in return, a woman approached me at Guest Services, looked me in the eyes, and with kindness in her voice, encouraged me with her words.

It meant the world to me.  I really believe that she was prompted by God to speak those words to me yesterday because He knew I needed them.   He knows my heart and how much I can handle, and exactly what will lift me up.

So now I am thinking about my words.  They have power, you know.  Words can hurt, or words can heal.  So I am praying that I use words that will benefit those that listen.

 Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.  Ephesians 4:29