One cold winter morning  in yoga class, my heart pounded as I heard the instructor talk about the snow globe.  She described that sometimes life is like a snow globe that is all shaken up.  You know that there is an object at the center of the snow globe but you can not see it because the “snow” is blocking it. It was like she was speaking directly to me.  In that moment, I was in the middle of a very confusing situation and I was struggling to make any sense of it.  I was disappointed, troubled and very anxious.  I could not see what God was doing.

Her lesson encouraged me to have resolve and know that in time, everything would become clear.  There was a reason that God had not revealed the entire picture to me yet and I had to trust that He knew best.

Many of us are experiencing situations that are very uncertain.  Our marriage seems shaky, our children are rebelling, friends have pulled away and financial stress is weighing us down.   We can not see the future and are finding it hard to believe that God is working it all out for us.

What can you do while you are waiting for your “snowglobe” to settle?

  1. Spend time daily in God’s word.  He speaks to you from His word and many times we miss out on hearing from Him because we are negligent.
  2. Take every thought captive.  The devil lies to you and tells you that God has forgotten or will never answer your prayer.  Don’t let yourself go down a negative thought pattern.
  3. Seek godly fellowship.  Who are the people in your life that speak truth to your soul?  Invite them into your dark places so they can encourage you in your hardship.
  4. Count your blessings.  Anxiety and praise can not exist at the same moment.  Turn your worry into praise and see how God brings you peace.
  5. Think about the HOPE we have in Heaven.  In Heaven there will be no more sickness, death, jealousy, betrayal, sadness or stress.  We were made for eternity and our life here on earth is very short.  Be thankful that you have an eternal home in Heaven.

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