Some of you may know that I can be a hot head.  I try to cover it up with smiles and a lot of prayer but my temper can get the best of me every once in a while.

Joelan came home from school Friday with bad news for me.  He had forgotten to do his homework the night before and the teacher took 2 grades on it so in other words, he got 2 zeros.  I was disappointed in him but this is not typical behavior so we talked and decided he would just do his best from now on.  A couple of minutes later, the teacher emailed the grades and his grade went from a 90 “A” to a 61 “U”.  CRAZY.  Ok, so now, I was fired up.  But it was Friday at 4:45.  No one answered the phone at school and no response to my email.  I told Joelan I would not rest until this was fixed.  A “U” for the nine weeks was TOTALLY UNREASONABLE.

Needless to say I stewed over this all weekend.  I played every scenario in my mind.  I kept telling myself there was nothing to do about it so I would pray.  I even dreamed about it!

I was able to talk with the teacher on Monday and we resolved the issue.  Joelan deserved the zero for the grade but not a “U” for the nine weeks.  I appreciate her willingness to talk with me and come up with a solution.

When Joelan got home, he told me that she was going to let the class redo the assignment for 10 points off.  Then he said, “The power of moms”.  I immediately thought about the children who, for one reason or another, do not have parents that are able to be advocates for them.  I thought about the kids who we are tutoring at the Hope Center and because their parents do not speak English yet, they are not able to accomplish what I could in regards to their children’s education.

So to whom much is given, much is required.  Who will you be an advocate for?  Are you pursuing ways to help out those in need?

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.”  James 1:27

2 thoughts on “So I was a little fired up….

  1. Isn’t it amazing how injustices with our kids can take us from 1 to 10 in a matter of seconds?!?! I am exactly the same with my boys and am always asking (begging!!) the Holy Spirit to lead me… when to take up for them and when to step back and support them as they work through it. The situation you explained definitely needed an intervention, and it’s great you are on top of things enough to respond promptly. Hopefully the PMS took a backseat to SuperMom! (:

    Realizing my passion for my kids gives me another reason to praise God… certainly He felt the same for His Son, yet He allowed His Son to die on a cross. Wow… how He loves us.

  2. I enjoyed this post very much. Sad to think this could have happened to a child or anyone not capable of being their on advocate. I sure makes me more aware of how I can help when problems happen to others.

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